Samagra Portal, Online Registration Process for Adding New Family Member in Samagra ID

The State Government of Madhya Pradesh has taken the official action to solve the problem and improve situation of their residents through online and offline. Plans like welfare schemes, financial services and facilities to their residents come under this initiative. In this article you will read all the information related to Samagra ID, such as what …


The Government of West Bengal has launched the official website WBIFMS and application for helping their employees regarding their payslips, restoring the changes in the financial department and System. In this article you will read about OnlineRegistration and LoginonWBIFMS/Process to Download WBIFMS Payslip/ TrackPayslip Status on WBIFMS/Facilities and Modules of IFMS. About WBIFMS Portal The Government …

Sbi Gyanodaya E Learning Portal Login

The State Bank of India has launched the official website SBI Gyanodaya E-learning Portal for helping their employees to know the current updates, new policies, scheme and changes in banking system. In this article you will read about SBI Gyanodaya e-learning certificate /login process of SBI e-learning certificate/ benefits of SBI Gyanodaya e-learning Portal. SBI E-learning …

Digital India Platform Registration and Login

Digital India Platform (DIP) Online Registration/DIP Data Entry Work/Online Registration for Data Entry Work in Digital India Platform Digital India Platform (DIP) is a campaign launched by the government of India on 1st July 2015 as a part of Digital India Programme. The main aim is to transform India into a digital knowledge-driven society and make …